Radiant Vermin
by Philip Ridley
When a young couple is offered an ideal house by a mysterious stranger, it prompts the question: How far would any of us go to get our dream home?
Cast in alphabetical order:
Miss Dee & Kay.................... EMILY ADLER
Jill................. KAITLIN PAIGE LONGORIA
Ollie.......................... MATT MITCHELL
Production Team:
Directed by Morrie Piersol
Produced by Tom Kazas and Kaitlin Paige Longoria
Scenic Design by Daniel Allen, Lighting Design by Michael Jarrett and Sound Design by Roger Price, Costume Design by Kayli Warner, Technical Director William Luther, Vocal Coach Amanda Durst and Stage Management by Jamie Wilson, Assistant Stage Management by Constance Moreau.
WARNING: This production includes the use of strobe lights and flashing lights, which may pose a risk to individuals sensitive to such effects or prone to seizures.
RADIANT VERMIN photo credit: Tom Topinka
AWARDS: RTCC Award for Best Play (2024)